Google Ads Intro Package

Drive sales to your business with our comprehensive Google Ads Intro package, combining the power of Search Engine Marketing, Programmatic Display Ads, Graphic Design for Display Ads, and a Reporting Dashboard.

supercharge your digital marketing

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the competition requires more than just a presence—it demands precision, strategy, and innovation. That’s where our cutting-edge Google Ads Intro package comes in.


Search Engine


When potential customers search for your products or services, our SEM expertise ensures they find you first. By meticulously managing paid search campaigns on platforms like Google Ads, we drive targeted traffic to your site, enhancing your online visibility and maximizing ROI. Our SEM strategies are built on in-depth keyword research, compelling ad copy, and continuous optimization, ensuring your ads perform at their peak.

SEM gives you the chance to place ads in front of consumers who are ready to purchase at that moment. These appear within the search results and on Google Maps. The average click-through rate is approximately 2%. We are able to track phone calls, form submissions, website visits, and more.



Display Ads

These are the ads that appear on websites and apps. Our programmatic display ads harness the power of automated, data-driven strategies to place your brand in front of the right audience at the right time. Through sophisticated algorithms and real-time bidding, we ensure your ads are displayed across a vast network of high-quality sites and apps. The result? Increased visibility, higher engagement, and a significant boost in conversion rates.

We use multiple tactics to deliver ads to people based on their behavior, location, and other targeting factors that are important tBullet listo you. These tactics include Geofencing, Audience Curation, Site Retargeting, and Keyword Search Retargeting.

We measure the results of these campaigns with Impressions, Clicks, Click-through rate, and Conversions.


Graphic Design & reports Dashboard

- Let our expert graphic designers create captivating visuals that amplify the effectiveness of your display ad campaigns. Stand out from the competition with compelling imagery that converts clicks into customers.

- Gain valuable insights into the performance of your Google Ads campaigns with our intuitive dashboard reporting. Track key metrics, monitor progress, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your advertising strategy for maximum results.


JNOW Media

Data-Driven Results

We leverage advanced analytics to constantly refine your campaigns, delivering measurable improvements and tangible results.

Expert Team

Our team of certified professionals brings years of experience and a deep understanding of digital marketing trends and technologies.

Customized Solutions

We tailor our strategies to align with your business goals, ensuring a personalized approach that meets your unique needs.

Pricing & Details

Google Ads Intro Bundle


  • Search Engine Marketing: Ensures your business appears at the top of search results by managing paid search campaigns, driving targeted traffic to your website.

  • Programatic Display Ads: Digital ads that use automated systems to target specific audiences and place ads on websites and apps

  • Graphic Design for Display Ads: Our expert designers create eye-catching visuals to make your display ads stand out and attract clicks from potential customers.

  • Reporting Dashboard: Get insights into your ad campaign's performance with easy-to-understand reports, helping you make informed decisions to optimize your marketing strategy.


  • $599/month


Have questions or want to chat first?


Q: Is there a minimum commitment period?

A: Although we recommend using the service for at least 3 months, you can cancel anytime with a 60-day notice.

Q: How does Search Engine Marketing (SEM) work?

A: SEM involves managing paid search campaigns on platforms like Google Ads. We conduct in-depth keyword research, create compelling ad copy, and continuously optimize your ads to ensure they perform at their peak. This helps place your business in front of potential customers who are ready to purchase.

Q: What are Programmatic Display Ads?

A: Programmatic Display Ads are digital ads that appear on websites and apps. We use automated, data-driven strategies to place your ads in front of the right audience at the right time. This includes tactics like Geofencing, Audience Curation, Site Retargeting, and Keyword Search Retargeting to maximize visibility and engagement.

Q: How do you measure the success of display ad campaigns?

A: We measure the success of our display ad campaigns using metrics such as Impressions, Clicks, Click-through Rate (CTR), and Conversions. These metrics help us understand the performance and impact of your ads, allowing us to make data-driven optimizations.

Q: What role does graphic design play in the package?

A:Our expert graphic designers create eye-catching visuals for your display ads. High-quality, compelling imagery helps your ads stand out and attract clicks from potential customers, increasing the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Q: What can I expect from the Reporting Dashboard?

A: The Reporting Dashboard provides valuable insights into your ad campaign's performance. You can track key metrics, monitor progress, and make informed decisions to optimize your advertising strategy for maximum results. The dashboard is intuitive and easy to understand.

Q: Can I talk to someone before signing up?

A: Yes, you can schedule an information call to chat with our team and get all your questions answered before signing up. We're here to help you make the best decision for your business.

Have more questions?

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